SharePoint Web Parts

Includes links to source code to help developers learn how to build web parts!

Pictures Slideshow Web Part
Source Code

View SharePoint Picture Libraries in a Web Part that scrolls through the images like a slideshow. Uses a phade transition effect between slides. You can also control the image height and time delay between slideshow transitions. Pull images from anywhere in the site collection by simply pointing the webpart at exact site and library you want. Controls include stopping and starting slideshow mode, navigating forward and backward between slides, and viewing particular pictures in a new window.
Pictures Slideshow Web Part
Source Code

Display stock quotes in a SharePoint Webpart. Add as many as you want, the webpart pulls the stocks using AJAX technology so as not to block the page from loading. Also autoupdates throughout the data based on an interval you can change (the default is every 100 seconds).

*This webpart is dependant upon your SharePoint Server being allowed to make outside http requests to the internet, and also the yahoo stock webservice.

Enhanced Site Users Web Part
Source Code

As you know the out of the box site users web part only displays the names of groups and explicit site users. With the enhanced Site Users Web Part you get a single view of every group, user, and the list of users who belong to each group. You also have the ability to click on the each person/group for editing. Great for site admins!
Calendar Web Part
Source Code

View SharePoint calendars in a webpart, but without the giant calendar you normally get out of the box. The Blazer Studios Calendar Web Part gives you a small preview calendar and also highlights dates where events are occuring. You can also move back and forward in time through different months. Also, you get a preview of x amount of upcoming events at the top of the webpart.
Weather Web Part
Source Code

View the weather in a SharePoint Webpart. Simply set your zipcode and and view today's weather, as well as a 2 day forecast. Also, this webpart is SSL safe, since the images are all included inside the webpart and don't need to be downloaded from the internet. You even have the ability the edit the XSL for full customization of this webpart. This web part uses AJAX technology so as not to block the page from loading.

*This webpart is dependant upon your SharePoint Server being allowed to make outbound http requests to the internet, and also the availability of the yahoo weather webservice.